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Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

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🎯For Winning the competition,you must need to follow new trends.💯

Sharing information is more accessible than it ever has before, making it much easier to generate product awareness or promote your service

Therefore, to keep up with your competition then you must keep up with the trends

💡Digital marketing trends for 2020 you should watch out for:

📌1. Chatbots
Chatbot, the effective software programs that interact with website visitors and customers.
Additional Benefits of Using Chatbots in Digital Marketing

a). It Saves Time: Unlike humans, a chatbot can provide answers quickly to all kinds of questions, that customers can make decisions faster.
b). Customer Satisfaction: the chatbot doesn’t need time to rest. Any time the customer wants information, its right at their fingertips. And your sales conversion rates will increase as well.
c). Good Humor: A chatbot is never moody. They are unbiased, clear, and informative- all the qualities that make your customer feel at ease.

📌2. Use of Private Messaging
Many companies will start shifting their focus on how to better utilize private messaging apps. Smartphone apps like WhatsApp, Messenger and WeChat are already gaining popularity.

📌3. Use of Artificial Intelligence
It refers to robots or machines having the high ability to work like humans.
For instance, Alexa and Siri are voice assistants that provide excellent customer care. Just like a human, they can take orders from the users and work behind the scenes on their behalf.

📌4. Hyper-Targeted Advertising
Have you ever come across an online ad that was straight up annoying or had nothing to do with you? Not only do online consumers tend to ignore these ads, they may end up hating the product and Brand.
But on the other hand, people love great content.

📌5. Personalisation
Personalisation is truly the future of digital marketing. And these days, it’s what consumers expect…Personalisation is truly the key to a successful digital marketing campaign in 2020.

📌6. SEO Updates
Right now, a lot of different changes are taking place in the search engines industry and updates are happening constantly. These changes in the search algorithms have profoundly affected the user’s search results.

📌7. Voice-Powered Search
Voice search is also essential when using it for your business. It’s helping in the growth of a mobile-friendly movement and adding value to Local SEO.

📌8. More Focus on Customer Retention
In coming years, companies will also start to divert their attention from acquiring new customers to retaining their existing ones.
These companies understand that it takes less money to keep existing customers happy and will channel more effort in the middle and last stages of the buyer’s journey.

If you are operating a business, it’s important to know about the current marketing trends and be able to stay on top of where digital marketing is headed in the future.
